The ND Standards-Based Learning (NDSBL) team is continually working to provide relevant, accessible and high-quality professional learning opportunities for school teams and individual educators. We want to support you wherever you may be in your standards-based learning journey!
School Leadership Series (January 10 – April 10, 2024) – virtual
9:00 – 10:00 AM (Grades K-5)
10:00 – 11:00 AM (Grades 6-12)
The NDSBL School Leadership Series features student-centered support through resources that align curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Our facilitator brings valuable experience and insights to the conversations, helping leaders identify initial and next steps within the implementation process.
January 10th
February 14th
March 13th
April 10th
Click here to learn more about the monthly sessions!
School Leadership Series: Archived Resources
A note regarding use of these resources:
Standards-based teaching and learning affects all educators within your district. The work can, at times, be intricate and far-reaching. It is best practice for a team of educators and educational leaders to guide the work to ensure proper pacing, understanding, and investment throughout all phases of planning, rollout, and continued practice. Having a leadership team in place also ensures that no one is alone in their work and there are multiple people available to provide support when needed. Please consider assembling a leadership team to view the video recordings and reflect upon information shared. Engagement with the leadership series resources can prepare your team for initial action planning and implementation or system refinement.
Session 1 (January 10, 2024)
Session 2 (February 14, 2024)
Session 3 (March 13, 2024)
Session 4 (April 10, 2024)
Our North Dakota Standards-Based Learning team has been extremely fortunate over the years to partner with and learn from numerous Marzano Resources associates. Throughout 2017-2019, a series of professional learning opportunities was provided for North Dakota educators to build and refine their foundational standards-based learning practices. That series was recorded and is archived here for your continued learning.